The Von Blackstone Story
I am a floral designer by day and have always been a crafter in my free time. I have made jewelry just for the joy of it for myself for many years, friends and family.
Four years ago I was lucky enough to be taught how to make leather bracelets by truly talented man. I LOVED making bracelets so much I decided this would be a good way to bring happiness to both myself and others while supplementing income. Earrings and necklaces came next and have been super popular.
Then I was swept away with wire weaving gemstones, watch movements, bullets, bones, anything! I'm enjoying handcrafting jewelry in my home studio whilst my mini schnauzer Mitchell supervises (he's actually quite critical.) The keys, gears and skulls of any kind are my favorite of course, but I'm excited to see what develops next.
"What's up with the flamingo ?" You might say flamingos are my spirit animal. When my good friend's children were small her little girl told her she was afraid when it got dark outside. So my friend (the fastest thinker ever) took the little girl outside where a old school pink plastic flamingo was staked in the yard near the front door. She turned to her little girl, pointed to the flamingo and said "Baby Girl, what's this?" The daughter replied "a flamingo?" "No Baby Girl, this is an Attack Flamingo! If anyone should come here to harm us, this flamingo will spring to life and attack them! As long as this flamingo is here we will always be protected, and nothing can ever hurt us." So convincing was my friend, the little girl grew up believing in the safety of the flamingo for years!! I loved this story SO much, I asked for it to be told over & over again. When I bought my first house my friend got me my very own Attack Flamingo. We've graduated up to fancy metal ones of course, and there are about 10 or so outside my home & countless flamingo items inside.
I firmly believe in the power of the Attack Flamingo, and everyone I love receives one so I know they will always be protected. It's true, I promise, flamingos are vicious. Have you ever seen a flamingo's toothed tongue? Now run out & get one so you will all be safe. Xoxox,